This Chick Read: Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

Bee Königswasser lives by a simple rule: What would Marie Curie do? So when NASA offers her the co-lead on a neuro-engineering project she accepts, despite it also being led by Levi Ward. Levi, made it very clear in grad school that he disliked Bee, so how would they lead this project together?

I love Ali Hazelwood’s women of STEM romance novels. She is the queen of awesome dialog and heated chemistry and Love on the Brain delivers in both of those areas. Bee is not only brilliantly smart, she also has a very smart mouth. She stands up for women and doesn’t let mansplaining dissuade her from her purpose on this project to create the best model for NASA and somehow get along with Levi. Despite having heated dreams of Levi breaking her concentration. Love on the Brain is a slow burn story, but Ali Hazelwood heats up the pages when it’s time for her characters to get together.

I loved all of the Marie Curie references as well as the science speak. Smart chicks are cool, and Bee is one of the coolest leading smart chicks that I’ve read to date. She’s colorful in character and brilliant of mind, but most of all, she’s a great person and an easy character to like. She has one foible, she wants stability and a home. She was brought up by various relatives around the world and wants to find her person, but she’s not quick to trust because of her past. Levi has a lot of work ahead of him! Yeah, Levi doesn’t really hate her, he’s just socially awkward and doesn’t know how to show his feelings.

Love on the Brain was smart, cute, funny, and at times brilliant. It was the perfect vacation read and I loved the feelings that it evoked in me. I know I’ll be picking up the audiobook as soon as it comes out so I can enjoy it again in a different way. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️

I received a copy of this ARC for my honest review and it was honest!

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