This Chick Read: Sidelined by Suzanne Baltsar

Charlotte “Charlie” Gibb the daughter of a famous football coach grew up around the sport her whole life. Growing up playing, then coaching football she’s always struggled against being a woman in a man’s world. When she lands the head coaching job at a high school in Minnesota she hopes to make a new start and gain acceptance. Beating out assistant coach Connor McGuire for his dream job sets them off on the wrong foot. Underneath their antagonistic words is a common goal that turns their feelings from hate to love.

I love sports romances especially when it’s the woman who plays the sport! Charlie was totally unique! She had a bit of a chip on her shoulder from the years of fighting for equality in her field, yet she was still feminine and attractive. I really enjoyed watching her find that balance between being in charge and allowing herself to feel attraction and then love for someone who challenged her mind and body.

Connor started off pretty hateful but grudgingly came around to seeing the how knowledgeable Charlie was as a coach. He was a pretty quiet guy though and I wish that his personality was allowed to shine a little bit more.

I didn’t love how this novel ended. I would have liked to see them work through their challenges a little bit more so I could’ve really rooted for Charlie and Connor a little bit more. I liked the first half of the novel a lot but the ending left me feeling a little bit let down because it wrapped up so simply. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I received a free copy of this ARC through NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review and it was honest!

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Copyright 2019 Deborah Kehoe The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

*Amazon Associate