This Chick Read: Future Lost (Future Shock #3) by Elizabeth Briggs

Elena and Adam have traveled to the future several times, initially as part of a team hired by a tech firm, Aether Corporation. Each time they have traveled, they have seen different visions of what their future would be like, and those future’s keep getting more and more grim. After things went wrong in the previous novel, Future Threat, Elena and Adam and their friends are determined to never make that trip to the future again, but Adams search for the cure to cancer becomes and obsession. When he disappears one day, Elena finds out that he took a trip back to the future again, alone.

Future Lost does a great job of subtly recapping the previous two novels into the plot, so I could quickly become engrossed in the plot and root for Elena to finally find security and happiness in her life. When Adam goes missing I knew where he went and eagerly looked forward to seeing what their future world looked like now. Without getting into the intricacies of the plot, I’ll just say “Apocalyptic” would be a good description.

Elena is an easy character to root for. She’s led a tough life and has found happiness with Adam and seen a future that she is willing to fight towards. Hope is one of Elena’s greatest characteristics, but unfortunately she has to set it aside and go back to a darker place using some of her darker skills to fight the Aether Corporation and save her future. Adam starts off this novel in a darker place than Elena and it’s interesting to see how her initial hopefulness and his desperation to find the cure for cancer seem to run on a parallel path to each other, only meeting when her hope turns to desperation and his desperation to hope.

Future Lost was the darkest of the three novels but that glimmer of hope ran through the story like a grain of gold waiting to be mined. The plot took me on a journey of feelings, despair, desperation, sadness, love and most importantly that hope. On any other novel I may have felt the conclusion was a little too perfectly wrapped, but I think the feeling of calmness I felt was a kind of conviction that the characters finally found themselves in the right place, at the right time. Their happily ever after stretching out in front of them. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

To read my review of Future Shock click HERE and Future Threat click HERE

I was given a copy of this novel through NetGalley for my honest review and it was honest.

Future Lost

Click this link to purchase! Future Lost (Future Shock)

Copyright 2018 Deborah Kehoe The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

This Chick Read: Future Threat (Future Shock #2) by Elizabeth Briggs

Future Threat takes up six months after Future Shock ends. Elena and Adam are together, at least as much as Elena can be with her survivors guilt and PTSD from the results of their last trip into the future. They are trying to get on with their lives after Aether Corp. messed with their future. One day Aether comes calling and asks Elena, Adam and Chris back to run some tests. They end up being drugged and forced to go back into the future to rescue another team that had not come back from their most recent mission. Continue reading “This Chick Read: Future Threat (Future Shock #2) by Elizabeth Briggs”

This Chick Read: Future Shock by Elizabeth Briggs

Elizabeth Briggs has created a futuristic world that is fast paced, fascinating and totally believable.  Elena Martinez and her fellow time travelers have survived the foster system in 2016, developing talents that will help them survive a city they no longer recognize.   The one rule is Continue reading “This Chick Read: Future Shock by Elizabeth Briggs”