This Chick Read: Making the Match (River Rain #4) by Kristen Ashley

Tom and Mika met long ago when Tom was a rising tennis star and Mika was the “It” girl. Tom was already in love and despite wanting to be friends, Mika knew it would be too hard and they went their separate ways. Years later after Mika goes through a personal loss they meet again but Tom’s transgression against his now ex-wife was too big for Mika to take the chance and she shut the door on any kind of relationship. Present day, Mika receives a packet in the mail the provides details that would affect a large sports company and picks up the phone to call Tom to ask for his help. Together they decide to investigate that mystery as well as start a new friendship with each other.

I’ll admit, I had zero interest in reading this novel. That’s a rarity for me because I read practically all of Kristen Ashley’s novels (I skipped the erotica) and have read the first three in this series and enjoyed them tremendously. Why, if I enjoyed the others was I going to skip this novel? It deals with a cheating spouse and I didn’t think I could look past that transgression to root for this couple. BUT I picked it up anyway because I wanted to read the most recent novel that just came out and knew this couple would be a part of it, if only as side characters. Surprisingly, I liked it. Not as much as the other novels in the book but I did enjoy more than I thought I would.

I’m not sure what makes an “It” person other than KA telling us that this character had it all that made her so fascinating to society, but as a person, I like Mika. She was interesting and had a view on life that was different and made me want to keep reading. I LOVED her daughter and hope she gets her own book in the future. She was FAB. Tom has been in the previous novels because they all revolve around his own family. His ex-wife’s love story as well as his daughter ‘s gave us a peek into his own emotional trauma and other than the cheating he seemed like an interesting character. What the author did with these two together was give the reader a reunion love story but also gave us this side plot “mystery” to focus on. For me that side plot was integral to pulling me into their story and ultimately had me liking the novel and these two characters.

Surprise! I really liked the two main characters by the end of the book. It helps that this author excels at giving her main characters interesting family members and friendships. They round out a story and provide comic relief or a glimpse into the future of another novel. This series is full of those moments and luckily enough I have purchased the newest novel already and can get down to reading it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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