This Chick Read: Perfect Together by Kristen Ashley

Wyn and Remy Gastineau had a wonderful marriage until they didn’t and Remy walked out on Wyn without an explanation. Three years later and Wyn has come to the realization that their marriage is actually over- she is ready to move on. Remy has decided he made the biggest mistake of his life and wants Wyn back.

Second chance romances are not my usual, but I do read almost all of Kristen Ashley’s books (sorry, I didn’t read her foray into erotica) and this one seemed to be a stand alone so I wanted to give it a read. I am so glad I did! It took awhile before the reason for Remy walking out was given but I loved the leading up scenes and Wyn’s confusion about what the heck was going on. I also really liked the emotional depth that Kristen Ashley gave to Remy’s reason and how both he and Wyn worked through these issues. It was dramatic, sometimes overly so, but it also felt real. Something I’m not used to in a KA novel. Her books are sometimes pretty outlandishly portrayed. There were elements of the overly dramatic but for the most part the reactions felt real which gave me a more powerful reaction to the story.

I loved Wyn and Remy’s kids, Sabre, Manon, and Yves. Sabre, the oldest is very like his father, an alpha male but has a bit of a mushy center. Manon, is sweet but has a strong core, and Yves is kind of a combination of the two. Their inclusion in the plot added so much to the story. I don’t know that the book would have been as effective without their opinions, reactions, and everything. Sometimes kids take away from the core duos story, but in this case their children were fully integrated and it made sense. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️

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