This Chick Read: The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

Third year PhD candidate, Olive Smith needs to convince her best friend Anh that she should ask out her ex boyfriend on a date. Yes, Olive’s ex not Anh’s. As both of them are scientists, Anh needs irrevocable proof that it will not bother Olive so Olive kisses the first guy she finds (in front of Anh). That guy just happens to be professor Dr. Adam Carlsen, hot shot scientist and total @$$. Totally flummoxed by this kind of good kiss, he lets Olive drag him into a fake relationship that consists of meeting for coffee once a week and slowly getting to know each other until they develop a friendship. The problem with these two scientists is that neither of them know how to go after more. The Love Hypothesis is the first novel by Ali Hazelwood, and it is a potent formula of intellect, heat, and humor. A combination I can’t seem to resist.

What can I say, apparently I have a love for geeky science love stories! Although truthfully, neither of these characters are geeky but they do seem to be overly patient and sometimes clueless. I love grumpy hunks and Dr. Adam Carlsen is definitely more than a lab coat. When Olive locks lips with him he engages albeit very subtly. I can’t really blame Olive for being clueless that he’s attracted to her because he barely makes a move. Olive needs him to hit her over the head with his lack of subtlety before she catches on that they just might have feelings for each other. I loved each indecisive humor-filled moment. I was also shocked at the heat that I (the reader) felt at each very slight touch. When they finally got together? Holy Moly!!! They were on fire and those love scenes, were written so well.

Although I am not a PhD candidate this novel feels very authentic. I loved that the premise was so simple yet the silly plot was being portrayed by super smart characters. I loved the juxtaposition that just because you are brilliant in life doesn’t mean your choices are always spot on. I also really liked how all of the characters with their multi-ethnicities, gay, bi, whatever, were so natural. There wasn’t a big deal being made about their representation. It was refreshing!

What I liked the most though was the romance between Adam and Olive. It was a true slow burn romance and just before I got to the point of wanting to kick them into motion, they did it themselves. Whew! I felt relief, overjoyed, and overly emotional. It was truly Fab-u-lous.


I received a copy of this ARC through NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review and it was honest.

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