This Chick Read: The Matchmaker’s Playbook (Wingman Inc 1) by Rachel Van Dyken

First impression: boy were these guys sluts!   This novel, written by a woman, was told from the guys perspective.  The premise was silly, and the author wrote it very tongue in cheek.  Ian knew he was a slut, and he was pretty funny about it and the writing was really entertaining.  Ian and Lex best friends since childhood, are in college, very attractive and pretty bright. They create a business based on a mathematical algorithm that matches up girls/women  of all types and sizes to their man.  Ian and Rex take it one step further by tutoring them in how to look more attractive, go on dates, and have a first kiss, very Pygmalion-esque.  They stage running into these crushes with the girls, helping them stand out, because of course, men notice women more if they are unattainable.  Interesting concept, and made pretty funny by the interactions between these women and Ian and Lex.  Ian’s internal dialog was pretty funny, and what I probably should’ve found offensive was not somehow.

Ian, takes on a job for his other best friend, Gabi’s roommate, Blake, and just like Henry Higgins, he falls for his Eliza Doolittle.  Other women no longer hold any interest to this former manslut, and he finds himself wanting to keep her for himself.  It turns out that Ian is actually a charming guy, and can use that charm for good, not just to get someone into bed.  We explore these tender new feelings with Ian, and see the real person behind the facade.  It is not just Blake who undergoes a makeover in this novel.

Reading from the man’s perspective was interesting, and probably created more of a relationship between Ian and the reader making him a more sympathetic character.  Blake was also quirky and charming, and I enjoyed watching the player get played and gain some emotional depth.  The second book ,The Matchmakers Perspective, comes out on August 9th, and we’ll see how the mighty Lex will also fall. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Buy it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!

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