This Chick Read: Under Your Spell by Laura Wood

After being let go from her job, dumped by her boyfriend, and kicked out of her apartment you can’t blame Clemmie Monroe for doing something way out of character- getting drunk and having a one night stand with a handsome stranger. When that stranger ends up being a world famous rock star whom she is babysitting as a favor for her music exec sister while he writes an album admittedly he’s hard to ignore. Her life’s a disaster but their summer together is kind of magical.

Clemmie was a bit of a hot mess. One of a trio of sisters born to a philandering rock star father, I loved Clemmie’s bond with her untraditional family and her sisters in particular. They were all vastly different and their unique personalities livened up quite a few scenes in this book. Clemmie’s relationship with her father isn’t great. He was never around for her when she was young, more interested in his own stardom than being a father. So, when she realizes her one night stand is the very famous Theo Elliott she wants nothing to do with him, but she’s made a promise to help her sister by providing the location for him to have peace and quiet and write his long anticipated album.

Theo was pretty down to earth for a rock star which made him pretty easy to like. The fact he was completely smitten with Clemmie made her avoidance of him fun to read. He had to work for their budding relationship which created some tension, as well as allowed the author to develop these characters, giving them back stories and depth that an insta love novel wouldn’t have provided. I really enjoyed their journey and loved the resolutions to their conflicts. Overall this was just a really easy to read enjoyable story.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review and it was honest!

Click this link to purchase this book!* Under Your Spell

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