This Chick Read: The Summer Escape (Sunrise Cove #6) by Jill Shalvis

Private Investigator Anna Moore is happy with her safe and steady life. Her investigations are more cheating spouse than murder mystery, so when a news story breaks about her own deceased father being a suspect in a long ago crime she is pushed to investigate by her older sister. Wearing a Go-Pro so her pregnant and bed-ridden sister can tag a long, she begins to search. Owen Harris, a handsome, adventurist is the grand-nephew of the person whom the stash was stolen and is dedicated to finding this missing treasure. Together they follow the clues and discover a little bit of truth and a whole lot of chemistry.

I was quite surprised by this Jill Shalvis novel! I always expect interesting characters and a quirky friend group or family and The Summer Escape did not disappoint. Anna’s sister was a delight! Pregnant with twins, on bed rest, and totally bored, Wendy makes Anna wear earbuds and a Go-Pro so there is a running commentary at all times, unless Anna turns her off. Her side-discussions were a hoot and I loved how easy going Owen played along and directed conversation at Wendy as well. I really liked how the relationship between Anna and Owen had undertones of interest and friendship right from the start and wasn’t just antagonistic. The thing I liked most is that this Jill Shalvis novel gave us something different from her others. A mystery to solve.

If you love Jill Shalvis’ novels then you are in for a wonderful surprise. This has all of those same elements you’ll expect but it delves a little deeper into the adventure-mystery solving theme. I really enjoyed the slight change because the story still had all of the other themes that I look forward to when reading one of her novels. Surprising and fun! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review and it was honest!

Click this link to purchase this book!* The Summer Escape

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