This Chick Read: The Breakup Tour by Emily Wibberly and Austin Siegemund-Broka

After a recent divorce, singer-songwriter Riley Wynn approaches her label with a great concept, an album based on all of her break-ups. When her famous ex claims her newest single hit is about him she looks up her first love, Max, and asks him if she can release his name to the press. He agrees under one condition, he wants to go on tour and play the piano in that single. As they tour, they slowly work out their baggage and are given hints of hope for a future.

When Riley shows up at the retirement living center that Max is running he is faced with the regrets from his past. He chose his family over a life on the road with Riley and has always wondered what his life would’ve been like if he’d made the other choice. Her offer is the chance for him to see where that path would’ve led. I like a good second chance romance if the plot moves quickly but The Breakup Tour seemed to mire the story in both of their regrets, making it seem like it took forever before either of them could move past them. Because of that slow pace I felt like the tone of the story was moody and sad rather than playful and fun.

I loved how the author’s actually gave us the lyrics to the songs we were reading about. They all fell at the end of the book and I think I’d have liked to have read them sooner, but they were a wonderful addition and were filled with the words I’d imagined while reading about Riley singing them. I always enjoy song-filled stories and The Breakup Tour (the novel) could’ve had an album full of words filling these pages.

I enjoyed Riley and Max’s second chance story and although I’d wished their happy reunion was filled with more light hearted moments it felt real. I thought the ending was totally satisfying and I loved where the story led us. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review and it was honest!

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