This Chick Read: Beginner’s Luck (Chance of a Lifetime #1) by Kate Clayborn

Three friends purchase have a drunk night out and purchase a lottery ticket joking they’d split the winnings if their numbers came up. When they did, they each had plans to make changes in their lives. This first novel follows Kit’s story. Working as an engineer at the local university, Kit is happy at her job although she would love her equipment to have an upgrade. When Ben Tucker, a recruiter, comes calling, Kit has no intention of taking him up on his offer but finds herself running into him while rehabbing her home. Ben is back in town to take care of his father for a few months while he recovers from a stroke and is helping run the restoration hardware store and he has what Kit needs.

I loved the home rehabbing angle of this romance. Ben approaches Kit as one person, the suit wielding power broker, but shows his true colors in a t-shirt and jeans with a wrench in his hand. These two sides of Ben made him so much more personable and you could see how he and Kit, who was as down to earth as they come, fitting together. Their characters were very well crafted and I liked them for each other a lot.

Another thing that made this book work so well were the relationships outside of Ben and Kit. Kit had her core girlfriends who had her back, gave her love, and understood her quirks. Ben’s relationship to his father was warm, sweet, and gruffly caring. All of these characters really added to this novel because it wasn’t just about Ben and Kit, although they were certainly the heart of the novel. They just made them feel rounded and real.

I have read some of Kate Clayborn’s newer novels and wanted to go back through her back list and see what I’d missed and The Chance of a Lifetime series jumped out at me. If they’re all like this first book I’m going to enjoy their charm! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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