This Chick Read: Tattered (Lark Cove #1) by Devney Perry

I love romances where the girl comes from a poor background, improves on her own and then finds a man to love. The problem with those types of novels is that if not done correctly I have trouble liking the main heroine. Tattered, thank goodness did not go down that road. Thea Landry had a rough beginning, growing up an orphan in New York. She meets and has a one night stand with way out of her league, Logan Kendrick. They hit it off, do the deed, and they both move on. He, remembers their night together, and she can never forget. When he shows up in the bar she owns in Montana on a business trip, she finally gets to deliver some news. They have a child.

The most important thing about this romance trope is that you LIKE the characters. Thankfully, I did! Thea was doing well, loved being a mother and had moved to a place that was good for she and her child. I liked Logan too! He was floored by the news, but he’d never forgot about Thea and took to being a dad pretty easily. I’m not sure why I didn’t like this book more than I did? The love story was pretty solid, and there was even an element of danger thrown in that made it almost a suspense novel. Actually that might have been the problem! Tattered teetered between a contemporary romance and a romantic suspense, but it didn’t go all in on either genre. So, I was left feeling pretty ambivalent.

I’ll repeat. I did not hate this novel, but I didn’t love it either. It was ok. This was my first novel by this author and I’d heard great things, so I was a little disappointed. However, what is one reader’s perfect book is another reader’s so-so novel. I think you know on what end of the spectrum I fell on.

I did really like the surrounding cast of characters Thea had to lean on. I believe the next book in the series features Jackson, her “brother” figure. He intrigued me, so I may give this author another shot at reeling me in. ❤️❤️❤️❣️

Opinions from around the Blogosphere

“This was just FEEL GOOD romance! You get a hero that was fighting to keep the family he never knew he had and a strong heroine that was secure enough to love herself and put the needs of her daughter first. I highly recommend you pick this one up!” Book and a Blanket

“The real beauty of this story is that both Thea and Logan put their daughter Charlie first…. Logan really embraced his role as father and you could tell that regardless if things worked out between Thea and him he was going to be there for the long-haul… loved the development of the relationship between Logan and Thea… loved the character development in Thea throughout the book… and absolutely loved every minute these two spent with their adorable daughter, it was quite touching!” Audio Killed the Bookmark


Click this link to purchase!* Tattered (Lark Cove Book 1) (Lark Cove Series) (Volume 1)

Copyright 2018 Deborah Kehoe The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

*Amazon Associate

6 thoughts on “This Chick Read: Tattered (Lark Cove #1) by Devney Perry

  1. I read her Coppersmith Farmhouse and felt the same. Meh. It was good but felt “off” to me. I tried to read the second book in that series and never finished it. I think you hit it on the head, Deb. She straddles two genres. Coppersmith was the same. A book about a small town romance with a newcomer and the sheriff – quaint and charming but then she tossed in a subplot about a dangerous drug dealer in town and the heroine gets mixed up in it. It felt contrived to give the hero a crime to solve. The danger wasn’t necessary.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is it exactly. It felt contrived. I wonder why she felt like she had to throw in that bit of danger? I already liked these characters. It totally wasn’t necessary. It’s nice talking to you Donna! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are doing well!

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      1. I think she must do that in all of her books to add angst or drama. I wish she didn’t. Thanks for asking about me. Im actually sick again – home on disability leave. It wasn’t much of a holiday, I’m afraid. I hope you are well, Deb.

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      2. You are so sweet. I’m sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it feels better. I have a bad bacterial infection. It was brought on by taking four antibiotics in two months’ time (my doctor and my dentist did this to me). The meds killed all the good bacteria in my gut and this bad bug took over. I’ve lost 8 pounds this month. The infection is/was highly contagious. I have to bleach everything. Work told me to stay home and the doctor said it was the right decision. This infection is hard to contain in a group environment. I last worked the week before Thanksgiving. So I’m home until December 6 when I finish the antibiotics I’m on now. They’re targeted to get rid of this bug. You can send me a book or two if you want. I’ll never say no! Thanks, Deb. Hugs to you.

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