This Chick Read: Attached at the Hip by Christine Riccio

Orie Lennox has graduated from college but life just isn’t what she thought it would be. She’s a social media influencer with her sister, is dating someone she doesn’t love, and is having trouble figuring out what she’s going to do with her life. When she sees a casting call for a Survivor-like television show, she decides to submit an application and within months is off to Fiji as one of ten contestants. If she’d read the fine print on her contract she’d have realized that there was a chance that she would actually be in a spin-off and finds herself in a Survivor-ish speed dating reality show with no showers, deodorant, or makeup and literally attached at the hip to another contestant. When she finds that first contestant is her high school crush, Remy she thinks it’s her chance to get her life back on track.

I love discovering a new author that can balance the “rom” with the “com”. Christine Riccio had me laughing out loud at Orie and the other contestants antics. Orie was so easy to like and her alliances in the reality show were a lot of fun to read. I kind of wish this program was real because I’d totally be watching it every week and Orie would’ve been who I’d be tuning in to see. She was a mess in her real life, but has an addiction for Survivor that makes her the perfect contestant. Remy was a good foil for Orie, and truthfully there wasn’t a character in their game I didn’t like. I appreciated that every person Orie interacted with made her grow as a character and helped her determine her life’s goals. Seeing her grow was really what made this story so successful.

There were so many favorite moments in this book that it’s hard to pinpoint a few, but here goes. Look for the tree episode for a great bit of comedy and sweet interactions, the secret handshake between new friends, and pretty much any time Orie surprised people by kicking their butts. LOL This was a really fun read and I’m curious how it will sound as an audiobook so I’ll probably go back and give it a re-read and listen to it.


I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review and it was honest!

Click this link to purchase this book!* Attached at the Hip

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*Amazon Associate- if you purchase this book through the above link I’ll receive a small stipend.

2 thoughts on “This Chick Read: Attached at the Hip by Christine Riccio

  1. l loved watching Christine during her earlier YT days, so it’s no surprise to me that this was a fun comedy while simultaneously being a good romance. 😀 I haven’t read her yet bc I’m always scared to read from authors who I loved before becoming authors, but this was a convincing review, Deb! 🙂

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