This Chick Re-Read: Oracle’s Moon (Elder Races #4) by Thea Harrison

When I was choosing my next book I found myself hovering of Oracle’s Moon, a book I’d read back in 2014. I didn’t remember the plot but I did remember that I really enjoyed the story and tried to talk my sister into reading it even though she hadn’t read any others in the series. Thinking about that and wondering if I’d think it was as good as the first time I’d read it I downloaded the book and settled in to read.

With the exception of the first book in the series, Dragon Bound, Oracle’s Moon is my favorite of the Elder Races novels. Grace Andreas finds herself as not only the Oracle of Louisville but new parent to her niece and nephew after the sudden death of her sister and her husband. In her family the Oracle line is passed down from daughter to daughter and her sister’s daughter was too young to inherit the gift so it passed to Grace. What a way to find out your sister is dead! Overwhelmed by the demands of raising the children as well as becoming the Oracle she is struggling to make ends meet. When Drago, the leader of the Elder Races lands on her land (he’s a dragon) to have a “discussion” she comes to the attention of a Djinn, Khalil, who becomes fascinated with the children. He starts popping in for after hours discussions with the kids and Grace has to put her foot down. His fascination quickly changes over to her and he becomes enamored.

The plot doesn’t sound too different from other paranormal romance novels does it? Yet there’s a helplessness to Grace when she finds herself a new parent as well as the Oracle which contrasts with her steely determination to not let this djinn mess with her kids. I became fascinated myself! Combined with the humor from his obtuseness in dealing with her and the human-like need he has to be around them because they remind him of his own child? It’s hard to put across on paper but all of that makes for a wonder novel about magic, humanity, and love. I can’t say it was the right book at the right time because this is my second time reading it and I enjoyed it just as much as I did in 2014! It’s just a good book.

So, if you like paranormal romances this series is a fun read for the first I don’t know maybe 6 books or so? After awhile the newness of this world wears off a bit but Dragon Bound and Oracle’s Moon are definitely worth a read. Give them a shot and then let me know if I steered you wrong! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Click this link to purchase!* Oracle’s Moon (Elder Races Book 4)

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*Amazon Associate- if you should purchase this book through the above link I will receive a small stipend.