Friday YA: Batman: Nightwalker (DC Icons #2) by Marie Lu

Eighteen year old Bruce Wayne discovers that he enjoys thwarting the rules while helping the police catch a criminal. There was a bit more to the plot than that, but essentially that was the plot. Bruce has to do some community service in a psychiatric hospital (seriously?) and develops a crush on an inmate. This inmate is young, pretty, and even though he’s been told she has murdered three people he just can’t believe that it’s true. Not having learned his lesson about breaking the rules, which is why he’s doing community service in the first place, he breaks the rules again for Madeleine. Just as is the case for many teens, this flaunting of authority puts him again in hot water but with the help of his companies inventions he saves the citizens of Gotham anyway.

I’ll admit, I didn’t read the first book in this series. It was about Wonder Woman and I had just seen the movie, which was amazing, and started the book and the beginning just felt so similar. I never went back to it. After having read Marie Lu’s Batman: Nightwalker, I’m not sure I’ll read Catwoman or Superman either. Batman: Nightwalker was ok, but there didn’t seem to be a point to it, other than as a pre-quel of sorts. We all know what Batman goes on to be, so seeing how he started didn’t reveal anything about his character that we didn’t know already other than he needs to develop a little hubris.

As is often the case with superhero novels, the bad guys are more interesting than the good guys. Madeleine seems too intelligent to have landed in Arkham Asylum, so uncovering her mystery outshone anything Bruce Wayne may have been able to accomplish. The end of the novel was kind of anti-climactic, so other than a check mark that I’ve now read this book, there wasn’t a whole lot of enjoyment gained. Was it horrible though? No. Not really. It was just kind of blah. Not what I was expecting from Marie Lu, that was for sure. ❤️❤️❤️

Opinions from around the Blogosphere

“I believe that fans of the DC Universe and superhero stories in general will appreciate this book, but for me, it was not interesting enough, not exciting enough, there wasn’t enough sleuthing, or action, or … anything, really. To be quite honest, this book is the very definition of the word anticlimactic.” Sprinkles of Dreams

“Honestly, I usually don’t read books with male pov’s much, but I enjoyed reading this book from Bruce’s perspective because he was pretty likable and fun. The writing was fantastic. I love Marie Lu’s compelling writing style. I flew through the pages without any struggle. The world building was superb. Marie perfectly depicted Dark Gotham City and It was pretty easy to picture everything so clearly.” Dreamy Addictions


Click this link to purchase!* Batman: Nightwalker (DC Icons Series)

Copyright 2018 Deborah Kehoe The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

*Amazon Associate

2 thoughts on “Friday YA: Batman: Nightwalker (DC Icons #2) by Marie Lu

    1. I can think of several books that I loved at the time and then later went, huh! Funny but I guess the important reaction is when you are in the moment. I think that’s great that you liked it! It’s an honest feeling. Thanks for commenting!

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