This Chick Read: Tangled Up In You (Meant to Be) by Christina Lauren

Ren grew up on a farm completely off the grid. Never had a cell phone, watched current TV shows, no social media, and doesn’t know how to live in the real world. She’s homeschooled and has earned scholarships to go away to college, something that her society hating parents are against but she perseveres and enters her freshman year at age 22. Fitz also attends Corona College and has relied on his charm and willingness to go the extra mile to gain himself privileges at school that may or may not have improved his grades. When she catches him in a compromising position at midnight in their classroom she bribes him to take her on his trip to Nashville.

The Meant To Be collection are stories written by different authors that take after a different fairy-tale. Tangled Up in You very loosely takes themes from Disney’s Tangled, which admittedly I’m not familiar with, however I am familiar with Rapunzel which I believe Tangled is based off. Confused? Yeah, me too. Despite the supposed fairy-tale theme, Tangled Up In You was a departure for this author duo. Part romance, part mystery, and definitely pg-13 rated this novel still had characteristics of other Christina Lauren books. Great dialog, fabulous and interesting characters, and an interesting hook.

I LOVED Ren. I would gobble up more books about Ren. She was such an interesting character and it was fun to explore this new world of college life and life in the outside world that she’s never inhabited and is now living. Fitz also grew on me. I really liked that despite Ren’s innocence, she saw right through his act and didn’t allow him to take advantage of her good nature. Once they got rolling on their road trip the two of them together were entertaining and well, I just fell in love with them as a couple.

There was a lot of heart in this story. So much that I teared up a couple of times and laughed softly in a few others. The only thing that holds me back from giving this a 5 rating is the three sentences they included at the end wrapping up their life in the future. I hated that! I’d rather have imagined my own life for them than to be given three sentences of a throwaway ending. If they go back and delete that paragraph it’s a five star read from me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review and it was honest.

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