This Chick Read: Circle of the Moon (Soulwood #4) by Faith Hunter

When PsyLED leader and werepanther Rick LaFleur finds himself naked outside a witches circle where a black cat has been sacrificed he calls in his team to investigate. When it happens again it becomes apparent that someone is using magic to summon Rick to them. What they have to find out is who, why and how to stop it before Rick becomes the sacrifice that will summon a demon.

Circle of the Moon advances Nell’s journey away from her Churchwoman background towards a “city” life. Her magic gets stronger and she has to constantly fight the urge to kill for her land, Soulwood, but she is also in a more maternal role with becoming the guardian of her younger sister Mud, who also has earth magic tendencies similar to Nell’s. Her tentative feelings for Occam resolve into want and his feelings for Nell into love. It is so easy to love them as a couple because it’s a healing kind of love where they are better together than apart.

Nell’s character wasn’t the only one evolving in Circle of the Moon. Tandy seemed to be taking on some new characteristics that I’m curious to see where they lead in future novels. Rick, also, went through quite a evolution and of course being at the center of they mystery he would, but I felt different towards him after seeing what he was going through. More sympathetic to him? I think I am!

The thing about Faith Hunter novels that always amazes me is how she intertwines a few plots so that they seem separate and then all of a sudden converge onto the same path. This novel was no different. Although the Church was more of a subplot than in previous novels, her “adoption” of Mud kept her family in the story. Her romance with Occam was stronger than in previous books because she is finally ready to move forward towards a relationship with him. The mystery was fabulous. I’d imagine if I had kept pace with the Jane Yellowrock series I may have been just a little more informed over Rick’s background but I really didn’t care. I was caught up in the action, the characters, and the resolution of this case. It was great reading and I enjoyed it thoroughly! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I was given a free ARC of this book for my honest opinion and it was honest!

Opinions from around the Blogosphere

“I can’t think of a single problem with this book, it satisfied every fan-impulse/desire I had, was a step up from previous installments in many ways, and told a solid and complete story that still drives the reader to want more. I can’t imagine a Hunter fan not liking this book — and it’s the kind of book that should get her some new readers, too.” The Irresponsible Reader

Click this link to purchase!* Circle of the Moon (A Soulwood Novel)

Copyright 2019 Deborah Kehoe The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

*Amazon Associate

9 thoughts on “This Chick Read: Circle of the Moon (Soulwood #4) by Faith Hunter

      1. I did. Except… for some crazy reason, I had it in my head that it was coming out today (25th) and was massively disappointed when it didn’t show up in my reading app at midnight and I realized I had another day to wait! lol!


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