This Chick Read: Cheater (The San Diego Case Files #2) by Karen Rose

When a resident of premier Shady Oaks Retirement village is found brutally stabbed in his apartment, Detective Kit McKittrick is assigned the case. What she starts to uncover are many closets filled with skeletons and most of the tenants want to keep their secrets hidden. Dr. Sam Reeves volunteers to play the piano for the residents of Shady Oaks and crosses paths with the detective. A path she’s avoided since they last met on a previous case six months prior. Kit has trouble trusting anyone but Sam evokes emotions she’d rather deny.

I didn’t read the first book in this series and while I’d have liked to know Sam and Kit’s history, I don’t think I missed too much. Karen Rose did a good job of filling in the reader without re-hashing all of the details, so this book reads like a stand along mystery. I will be picking up that first book and catching up though because I really enjoyed this story and their connection. I was also really surprised at the intricacies in the mystery. Whereas I did guess the killer, it did take me a little while and the journey was completely enjoyable.

Karen Rose did a great job of giving these characters depth and building their back story. I loved Kit’s history of being in a foster home and how she had that soft spot for kids who lived on the street. It added a lot to explain her stand offishnes and made the impact of her building trust with Sam that much greater.

If you like light mysteries with great characters, I think Cheater was an interesting and entertaining read. It is not a romance, but there is a bit of romantic suspense built into the story. There is also a bit of humor and a lot of emotion. This was a well rounded story and I enjoyed it a lot. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review and it was honest!

Click this link to purchase this book!* Cheater

Copyright 2024 The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

*Amazon Associate- if you purchase this book through the above link I’ll receive a small stipend.

This Chick Read: Beneath Dark Waters by Karen Rose

When New Orleans public prosecutor Kaj Cardozo’s son is almost kidnapped he hires a private investigation team famous for their protection services. Val Sorensen, is the bodyguard hired to protect Elijah and as the investigation plays out she and Kaj become tied together by circumstance and emotion.

This is the first time I’ve read a novel by Karen Rose and I have to say that I was immediately drawn into the plot, really liking Val’s character, and loving little Elijah. Val’s back story of a former sexual assault while in the marines added to the tension of an already gripping story. As the plot unfolds and the intricacies are revealed I’m impressed with how the two storylines tie together. Kaj, the prosecutor whom the bad guys are targeting was an interesting character, his role as father, love interest, and prosecutor often conflicting making his reactions both real and unbelievable. Admittedly, his was the only character that I had mixed emotions about because of all of the push and pull with his emotions.

The plot had some rather gruesome moments, so if you’re a bit squeamish, as I am, then you may find yourself skimming those scenes, but this story was fraught with emotion and tension despite my closing my eyes and reading at the same time. The bad guys were truly horrible and I rooted for our heroine to wrap this plot up toot suite! Val was such a warrior that it was easy enough to believe that she would overcome all obstacles, get the bad guys, and win her man. Despite the gruesome bits, this plot flew by!

My favorite character by far was the teen hero, Jace. He was such a sweetie and the horrible life he’d led up to that point made me want to hug him and give him a better life. What a great character.

If you like romantic thrillers this novel was a pretty good one!


I received a copy of this book through NetGalley and from the publisher, for an honest review and it was honest!

Click this link to purchase this book!* Beneath Dark Waters

Copyright 2023 The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

*Amazon Associate- if you purchase this book through the above link I’ll receive a small stipend.