This Chick Read: Wild About You by Kaitlynn Hill

Natalie Hart is struggling to pay her college tuition when she sees a casting call for a very popular outdoor reality show called Wild Adventures. She cares about her skin care routine too much to have much camping experience but she submits and application and wins a spot on the cast. She’s up for the adventure and the chance at the winning prize that will help her pay her bills. When she’s partnered with the surly, outdoorsy, Finn Markum she is determinedly cheerful and hopeful that his experience and her social media charm will help them make it to the final. Along the way, maybe there’s the chance at building some friendships.

Wild About You was a fun, very easy to read young adult adventure style novel with two completely likable main characters. Kaitlynn Hill did a very good job at contrasting her easy breezy style of writing with some real-life problems such as anxiety, panic attacks, and parental issues. The game show format made it easy for the reader to connect to all of the cast of characters while at the same time rooting for our favorite main character duo.

There were several things I liked about Wild About You. These young characters had real-life issues that a reader could easily identify with, the growth of Natalie and Finn’s relationship was steady and sweet, and the competition. Actually that last thing was probably my favorite because I’m a reality show competition fan. All of these things made this story interesting, light, but with a bit of depth- adding character to the right parts of the story. I thought it was very well done! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review and it was honest!

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