Friday YA: The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett

Brought up by a treasure hunting father Theodora is used to researching historical artifacts and adventuring through foreign countries. When her father goes missing while searching for an artifact of Vlad the Impaler, she joins forces with her childhood friend and teenage love, Huck. Together they retrace her fathers path and dodge the enemies who are closely following them. As each clue is uncovered and the danger gets greater Theodora and Huck rediscover their feelings for each other.

I have mixed feelings about this novel. When I read the synopsis about searching for a relic of Vlad the Impaler’s I’d expected a darker mood to be set, almost gothic. Even with danger following their every footstep the mood seemed a little lighter than I expected. That was a little disappointing. Despite that disappointment, I did really like Theodora and Huck. She was the perfect heroine, intelligent, sassy, and brave. Actually, I thought she outshone Huck in the bravery department! To give him credit though, Huck was the more emotional of the two and wore his feelings on his sleeve. It was a nice change in a YA novel.

I love historical fantasy novels and the Lady Rogue had all of the elements that I look for in that genre. There was action, danger, and romance as well as historical tidbits that kept the story flowing. The mystery involving Vlad’s ring let me down just a smidge, but the romantic elements made up for that lack. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Opinions from around the Blogosphere

“Folklore, hidden family secrets, romance, adventure, mystery, castles, cursed artifacts – this book is a wild romp.  It’s a little lighter on fantasy than I expected; instead, it ventures into historical fiction, and the setting descriptions are vivid and rich.  I’m not sure if the author plans a series, but if she does, I’ll be adding the next book to my list.” Books and Such

“Overall I am a little disappointed because after I loved Starry Eyes so much I thought that I would love Jenn Bennett writing fantasy even more. If you are looking for a fantasy adventure novel I might look elsewhere, but if you enjoy romance or are a big fan of Jenn Bennett I would totally give this one a shot.” Devouring Books

Click this link to purchase!* The Lady Rogue

Copyright 2019 Deborah Kehoe The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved

*Amazon Associate- if you click the above link and purchase the book I’ll receive a small stipend.

10 thoughts on “Friday YA: The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett

  1. Thanks for giving my review a shout out! You seemed to enjoy this a bit more than me, but I definitely can agree that aspects of it were disappointing but Jenn Bennett writes fun books so the lighter aspect was something I expected.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do like her contemporary novels so I might have been a half point generous. Your review made some great points, and I know reading is so subjective. That’s why I like to include others opinions too.


      1. I totally agree! A book that isnt for me might be someone else’s favorite. I also feel that there is a time for certain books. Like sometimes I am not feeling intricate fantasy novels, but when I am I could give the book 5 stars even when I set it aside when I tried it before. I try to pay attention to that and not read a book if I’m not feeling it at that moment. Of course there are some books that I just wont ever like. But sometimes if I pick up a book at the wrong time I could give it a completely different rating

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      2. I have really strong feelings about it and the problem with having so many ARCs is that I have to read them in order of publication unless I’m super ahead in my reading and it just leads to me not wanting to read certain titles at certain times

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