This Chicks Sunday Commentary: The Big Ripoff #Sundayblogshare #editorial

As most of you know, I finished my first novel, Midnight Metamorphosis. It was hard work, but totally rewarding when I think to myself that I actually completed writing a novel. Wow! It would be wonderful to get it published traditionally, but I know that takes a lot of time and effort. I have sent out some query letters, synopsis, chapters, etc., and have gotten a bunch of rejection notices. Frustrating, but also not unexpected. I had a friend tell me that she got 300 rejections before she got a yes. Well, that could take years just to get that many sent out!  Lol.  I do have a full time job, husband, and other responsibilities. I have my blog too!  Which I totally enjoy and will not give up. Other than posting a Chapter a week on my blog, and also on Wattpad, I have been busy with life doing other things, and trying to kick start myself into sitting down and getting started on the second book in my series. This week, I got an unexpected call at work that gave me a jolt.

A publishing house named Dorrance Publishing called and said their researchers found my title while searching the newly copyrighted books on some website. Not sure how that happens, but I guess nothing is private anymore. ( My husband tells me they found it on The Libary of Congress website.) Anyways, after an exciting phone call, I have lunch with my husband and we decide to look into this publishing house. Apparently, it’s a big scam. They actually try to get up to $11k out of people by doing what a normal publisher would do for free ( or at least a % of book sales)!  Of course, I felt really let down, but in my experience when things happen that easily, it’s too good to be true!


The good thing about this scam happening to me is that it lit a fire under my ass. I may not get published the traditional route, but I may self publish on either Kindle, Smashwords, or even both if that’s possible! 
My question to all of you is this – Have any of you self published? Who did you go with? Is it working? What are the challenges? What are the great things about it? Anything you all could tell me would be a great help!

Have a great week!


P.S. Also, if you have a moment, read the chapters I’m posting weekly. I’d love to hear your thoughts! 

5 thoughts on “This Chicks Sunday Commentary: The Big Ripoff #Sundayblogshare #editorial

  1. Hi Deborah,

    I thought I’d check out your blog since we both love reading!

    I’m a book editor by trade, and many of the authors I’ve worked with have self-published via various platforms. The challenges they all faced were in marketing and promoting the book by themselves i.e. without the clout of a publisher behind them. If you’ve already got a good network in place who are willing to help you market the book, it’s easier to overcome this challenge when self-publishing.

    I wrote an article about publishing vs. self-publishing ( that may answer some of your questions, but if you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch! 🙂


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